Before the Convention
Join the Planning Committee
The SUS planning committee starts working on the following year’s convention even before the current convention is over. And most of our committee members only live in Puerto Vallarta for part of the season. In most cases, no special skills are required, and the committee members enjoy a special relationship to each other and participating in the convention. We’d love to have your help. Use the form in the sidebar to let us know you’d like to learn more about this fun, hard working committee.
At the Convention
Volunteer for a job at the Convention:
There are lots of opportunities to volunteer at the convention. Here are some of the jobs that need to be filled.
a. Hospitality:
The Hospitality Chairperson will depend on you to be one of the happy folks welcoming our guests when they arrive to check-in, helping attendees get where they need to go, answering questions and getting them to the right people if they need further assistance. Additionally, you might be making sure all attendees have a valid badge, taking tickets at the Saturday night dinner or at the dock for the Sober Cruise and helping in any other ways needed throughout the weekend. Please use the form in the sidebar to let us know you’d like to volunteer!
b. Check In Team:
The Check-In Team needs a group of volunteers to staff the check-in tables. The Team welcomes preregistered participants and gives them their convention materials and information. You need to be able to deal tactfully with all sorts of people in a cheerful, helpful and efficient manner. Experience and grace under pressure is also helpful. Please use the form in the sidebar to let us know you’d like to volunteer!
c. Literature and Merchandise Sales Force:
We need both AA’s and Al-Anon’s to help us. It will be especially useful if you have a good knowledge of our program literature and some experience making change and keeping records of sold merchandise.
The literature and merchandise tables will be open at specific times only. The hours will be posted. Tables will be closed during the speaker presentations and during meetings on Saturday. Please use the form in the sidebar to let us know you’d like to volunteer!
d. “At Large” Volunteers:
“At Large” volunteers go everywhere and do everything.
You might fill in for someone who needs a break, help out at the check-in, merchandise or literature tables, greet guests or check name badges at the doors of our convention venues.
If you’re flexible and love variety, sign up to be one of our “At Large” volunteers. Don’t use the volunteer form to volunteer for this job. Instead, go to the “At Large” sign at the convention check-in.
e. Lead one of our one-hour meetings (AA, Al-Anon, LGBT):
Most folks with the six months’ required time have done this many times already. Help your fellow attendees out by signing up for an hour timeslot, to pick a topic, and keep our meetings going! All you have to do is:
- Have led a meeting so you know how.
- Be there 15 min early to set up; straighten up before you leave.
- Open and close on time (the meeting will be 1hr).
- Fill out and turn in the Comment Form after the Meeting.
Meetings are an important part of our conference. You can make a difference by volunteering to lead a meeting!
Way Before the Convention
Spread the word in your home group
You can help us a lot, even before you get to Mexico, by telling your friends about our convention. There are even more ways to help us get the word out on our “Other Ways To Help” page.
Be sure to check it out.
Thank you for helping! It really means a lot to us.
Please Note
All non-committee volunteers must register and pay as participants for the convention. All registration this year is being done online.
If you registered online and have not already contacted us about your interest in volunteering, please contact one of our hospitality folks or a committee member (they’ll have a ribbon on their name badge) and they will help you.
We look forward to serving with you!!
Sign Up to Volunteer!

We Have Free Speaker Audio Files from our most recent past conventions
Have questions or would like more information?